With additional resources, we hope to interview more journalists and increase the range and density of available content on Investigating Power. Please help us continue this important work by sending a tax deductible contribution (check or money order) to:
American University
The Investigating Power project
c/o The Investigative Reporting Workshop
4400 Massachusetts Ave. NW
Washington, D.C. 20016-8017
Prefer to make an online donation? Visit American University’s online giving site.
Donors and Donations
This project would not have been possible without the generosity of the following major ($1,000 or more) donors to either the Fund for Independence in Journalism or the Investigative Reporting Workshop between 2007 and 2012:
- American Communications Foundation
- Baker-Root Family Foundation
- Richard Beattie
- Emily Bingham
- Jack Block
- Victor Elmaleh
- The Ethics and Excellence in Journalism Foundation
- Donna Mae Litowitz and the Litowitz Foundation
- Bevis Longstreth
- Nell Williams Family Foundation
- The John D. and Catherine T. MacArthur Foundation
- Amy McCombs
- John and Florence Newman Foundation
- Glen Osterhout
- The Park Foundation
- Rockefeller Brothers Fund
- Rockefeller Family Foundation
- Pamela and George Rohr
- Schumann Center for Media and Democracy
- The Streisand Foundation
- Malcolm H. Wiener Foundation
- Paul Volcker